

Research is at the core of every great Campaign Strategy. It’s the only way to truly understand insights on general public opinion and competitors on an intimate level. It is vital to the campaign strategy, because it helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of our current position. While it’s important you follow your own intuition, we on the other hand bring-in analytical understanding of what the citizens want and what your opposition is doing to succeed over time.

We create and promote content in a way that it is destined to succeed. We scan billions of articles and social posts, to harvest vital insights out of them. For us to create and find data powered content which is based upon research and is way more effective than random guesswork, we ensure our tools are constantly crawling the web.
Social media feeds bring us the most popular content and find the top-performing posts relating to our target audience and campaign topic. This in turn helps us either promote them at later stage or create relative content.

3 W's of Research

Why research?

Research methods allow us to get a better understanding of how participants form their opinions, allowing us to inform our recommendations that drive the creation of editorial content.


What is the vision?

By researching data, our vision is to take that understanding and turn it into real actionable insights to make better decisions.


What does it do?

Our extensive research provides us with key insights into the present and future market. Our research is comprehensive and up-to-date. It provides a clear picture of global trends, so you always stay ahead of the curve.

3 W's



Filter by content type to see which formats resonate with our audience.

Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to lead your industry and not follow the herd. To achieve our aim, we filter the formats that are relevant to our targeted audience. This ensures that your content is at the top of its field. We track and analyze the latest trends in the web, social networks, blogs, and forums.


Decide formats we should focus on based upon audience and stats.

With our experienced team of researchers and metrics experts, we perform the most comprehensive quantitative analysis to design formats that are designed to drive maximum results for clients. We survey them to ensure that the results we present are getting the attention of our audience and staying in their minds.


With millions of posts in one place, we should be able to identify trends.

We utilize our social listening & trend analysis tools to monitor the conversations of real people and provide you with meaningful insights into the trends influencing them.We connect to your audience across social media platforms that gather key insights, revealing the emotional needs that are driving your target audience.


Compare trends by scanning the older content performance data.

Our research stage has made us leaders in industry. Our course is based on previous performance data and we prioritize accuracy with speed. We don’t just predict the future. We track what happened, what kind of content resonated with our audience and then apply that knowledge to current and future projects.


Generating index to simplify the results from reports.

The database engine in a computer stores data in a format that can be quickly accessed by the CPU. It organizes the data so that similar pieces of information can be processed efficiently. Indexing data allows super searching of millions of documented data and files, so we can find data according to our preferences quickly and easily.


Sort by social engagement so we can focus on the links getting more attention.

We do more than just measure - we help you understand what's working and what's not. We do this by measuring engagement overall, as well as by network. Then we use that data to power our social media strategy, so we can get the most from our time and effort.


Examine the best time to post or promote the ideal word count and other matrices.

We have created a strategy that puts your content at the top of its game. This ensures that you gain traffic and always remain relevant. Our research stage is about evaluating the overall appeal and quality of the content that will be posted. We study how it will be presented and the best time to publish a piece of content.


Notifications to get notified when new links are created so we can act immediately.

Faster and more accurate than even traditional competitors, we help you plan for the worst. With instant alerts to keep you safe, you’ll always be ready for any disaster. Our research tools allow us to quickly spot changes to the web. We then use these changes to create instant, actionable alerts.


Pump reports into Google Sheets so we can use it as per the requirement at later stages.

We have a creative, enthusiastic team of researchers, all of whom have achieved high academic credentials. This gives us the edge when it comes to delivering efficient and reliable data. We deliver reports made by specialists in their fields; all relevant information has been compiled into simple but in-depth analysis.

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